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Carla Ferraz

A Carla Ferraz é uma instrutora formada pela Universidade Internacional de Yôga, dentro da área do Yôga Coaching. Participou em eventos especializados em São Paulo, Buenos Aires, New York, onde chegou a trabalhar em Paris, Porto e Lisboa. Em 2013 fundou " Find The Change" um programa baseado na filosofia de que, através da atenção plena (mindfulness) e alta-performance as pessoas podem atingir o seu pleno potencial e podem encontrar a melhor versão de si mesma. Realiza workshops na área de Gestão de Stress, Reeducação Alimentar, Alta-Performance para atletas e empresários, Coaching e Inteligência Emocional em Empresas. Em parceria com a Perfect Moments desenvolveu eventos, como retiros, na área do Body, Mind & Soul.


Carla Ferraz is an instructor certified by the International University of Yoga, within the area of Yoga Coaching. She has participated in special events around the world including São Paulo, Buenos Aires and New York and she has worked in Paris, Porto and Lisbon. In 2013, she started "Find The Change", a program based on the philosophy that through mindfulness and peak physical performance people can reach their full potential and can be the best that they can be. She conducts workshops in the fields of Stress Management, Nutrition Education, Training High-Performance athletes, artists and business people and Coaching Emotional Intelligence in Business. In partnership with Perfect Moments, she has developed events such as Body, Mind & Soul.

Carla Ferraz ist eine Yogalehrerin, die ihren Abschluss an der internationalen Universitaet fuer Yoga in dem Berreich Yoga Coaching abgelegt hat. Sie nahm an spezialisierten Events in São Paolo, Buenos Aires und New York teil und arbeitete in Paris, Porto und Lissabon. Dieses Jahr gruendete sie das Find The Chance und bietet Workshops im Berreich von Stress, Ernaerhrungsumschulung, hohe Performance fuer Atleten und Untertnehmer, Coatching und emotionale Inteligenz im Geschaeft an. In der Zusammrnarbeit mit Perfect Moments entstanden Events wie auch Behandlungen im Berreich Body, Mind & Soul.

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