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  • 1
  • 20 Euros
  • Rua de Feliciano Castilho

Service Description

Birdwatching is a leisure activity based on bird watching in its natural environment. This activity provides moments of contact with nature and fantastic hikes in Monte Barrão. The various bird watching and photography programs at Monte Barrão can be private and booked on a date of your choice or in groups on dates that have already been scheduled.

Cancelation Policy

Se cancelar a sua participação 1 mês antes, pode programar para outra data. Se cancelar sua reserva depois, não será reembolsado. If you cancel your participation 1 month before, you can reschedule for other date. If you cancel after you will not be refunded.

Contact Details

  • Rua de Feliciano Castilho

    Perfect Moments, Coudelaria Monte Barrão, Portugal

    + 919 632 368

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